Letter from the Chair of the Coleham Local Governing Body

Dear Parents / Carers

As 2022 draws to a close I wanted to write to you as the Chair of the Coleham Local Governing Body to reflect on a year of significant change.  This time last year we were successfully navigating our first Ofsted inspection for some years.  The outcome of this reaffirmed my belief that Coleham is an Outstanding school and has the potential to be recognised as such by Ofsted.  That initial inspection has set the groundwork for much of the work the LGB has done this year in supporting the school make the small adjustments to the curriculum that will allow us to feel confident and well prepared for their likely return next year.

2022 brought with it much change in the make up of the Local Governing Board.  Oliver Russell, Stephen Murphy and Eleanor Miles all took the decision to step down from their role as governors and I would like to thank them all for their contributions during their terms.  We welcomed Clare Wilson, David Jones and Daniel Konn to the LGB and I am confident that they will be well equipped to continue the drive for success at Coleham.  Perhaps most significantly in terms of change have been the recent leadership changes at Coleham.  It was with mixed emotions that we received the news that Claire Jones would be moving into the Deputy CEO role on a full time basis from September.  Coleham’s loss will be the Trust’s gain and her leadership will be a real asset for them.  Fortunately, any apprehension for the future was short-lived as the appointment of Tom Larkham to the role of permanent Head Teacher from September was the perfect outcome.  I know the whole LGB will be looking forward to working with him in the future.

We are constantly trying to raise the profile of the LGB within the school and governors have visited the school through 2022 with a focus on a range of areas from safeguarding to behaviour.  These visits have proved invaluable in helping governors to see first hand some of the outstanding work being done everyday at Coleham.  Our link governor groups continue to meet with members of the Senior Leadership Team on a regular basis and they focus on Leadership and Management, Quality of Education and Pupil Related Matters.  This gives governors the opportunity to really drill down to the detail on their area of focus.

We continue to enjoy the benefits of working within the 3-18 Education Trust.  We were sad to see Michael Barratt retire from his role as the CEO and his wit and eloquence will be missed at our meetings.  We have however, already begun an excellent working relationship with the new CEO David O’Toole and we are looking forward to continuing this collaboration into 2023.  In particular, the addition of new primary schools such as Bowbrook will allow for the sharing of good practice at a school and governance level.

I would welcome the opportunity to speak with any of you directly to answer any questions that you may have about the Local Governing Board so please feel free to drop me an email on Geoff.hulme@318edcuation.co.uk or stop me to chat at one of the many school events coming up next term.

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and all the best for 2023.

Yours sincerely

Geoff Hulme

Chair of the Coleham Local Governing Body

3-18 Education Trust
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