Headteacher letter 15th November

Dear Parents/Carers,

I write to let you know that I will be stepping down from my role as Headteacher of Coleham Primary School at the end of this academic year in order to take on the full-time role of Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the 3-18 Education Trust.

I am delighted to announce that Mr Larkham will be taking on the full-time role of Headteacher at Coleham from September 2023.  As you know, Mr Larkham has been my Deputy for a number of years now and, for the last 2 terms he been leading the school for 2 days each week, while I have been working part-time as Deputy CEO of the Trust.  Mr Larkham knows the school and the community incredibly well and I am sure that he will do an excellent job, continuing to lead the school from strength to strength.

My role within the trust will also allow me to continue supporting Coleham with regular drop-ins and ongoing School Improvement support so I am not going to disappear altogether!

I have worked at Coleham since 2010, when I took up the post of Deputy Headteacher, taking over as Headteacher in 2014.  I have loved every minute of my time here.  The school is an incredibly special place, full of wonderful children and a wonderfully committed staff team.  I feel honoured to have led them over the last 9 years, during which the school has been on a fantastic journey, always striving to be better and provide the best possible education to our children.  I have seen hundreds of children pass through the school and built relationships with many, many parents, always feeling well supported by the parent body and the Coleham community as a whole.

I will miss the school very much but feel privileged to be able to continue working alongside the Senior Leadership Team over the coming years.

Thank you for your ongoing support; it is greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Claire Jones


3-18 Education Trust
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