Headteacher letter 21st October 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

It is hard to believe that we have reached half term already: it has been action packed and busy but very enjoyable.  The children and staff are certainly ready for a good break and I am sure that you are too.

Today we have enjoyed our whole school Diwali Day, organised by Miss Melville our RE curriculum leader.  The children have explored the festival of Diwali through taking part in a range of activities and have also enjoyed a special lunch menu too.  They have certainly learnt a great deal about this special Hindu festival and enjoyed dressing up in their own clothes for the day.

New School Website

We hope you are using the new school website.  All events, trips, dates and letters are uploaded here and then forwarded onto you, meaning that it is up to date at all times and can be your first port of call for any query.

Parents’ Evening

Please remember to book in your parents evening appointments as these will take place after half term.  The link can be found in the ‘Parents Area’ on the school website.  They will take place on:

  • Wednesday 2nd November: 4:00 pm – 7:20 pm
  • Thursday 3rd November: 4:00 pm – 7:20 pm

School Uniform

Please ensure that your child comes to school in the right uniform each day.  It is really important that all children have a Coleham jumper or cardigan (with the school logo), not a generic blue jumper.  Please also ensure that your child comes to school wearing plain black footwear.  Please click on the following link to view a list of our uniform: https://colehamprimary.co.uk/home/joining/what-you-need-to-buy/

Everything is available to buy at local supermarkets, except the school jumper.  We are keen for our children to look smart for school and also feel a sense of belonging by wearing the appropriate school uniform.  We keep spare logo jumpers in school if you ever need to borrow or replace any lost jumpers. If you would like some support financially with school uniform, please contact the school office or let me or Mr Larkham know; we are happy to help.

Careers Week

We have our Careers Week taking place after half term.  This is a fantastic opportunity for our children to hear about many different and exciting careers.  Many of you have jobs that the children will never have considered before, and you may be the inspiration a child needs!  We’d love to see as many families getting involved as possible, so please do contact the school office if you would like to share your stories of working life with the children.  It is never too early to inspire our children to follow their dreams.  We are looking for some more half an hour visits with years 1, 2 and 3.

Remembrance Day

After half term, we will be commemorating Remembrance Day and will be supporting the Royal British Legion charity with their Poppy Appeal fundraising.  The School Council will visit classes in years 1-6 with Poppy merchandise after half term.  If children would like to bring in small change, they can purchase poppies, snap bands, wrist bands etc. The suggested donation for items is between £1 and £1.50.

All that remains is for me to wish you a restful and relaxing half term break and I will look forward to seeing you at the school gates when we return on Monday 31st October.

Yours sincerely,

Claire Jones


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