Headteacher Letter


Dear Parents and Carers,


House Competitions!

This week the children have enjoyed coming together in their school houses for our first House Competition of the year.  The KS1 children sang ‘The lighthouse’ beautifully with Quarry narrowly pipping Darwin to the House Trophy.  The KS2 children welcomed guest judge, Dr Sarah Browne from Shropshire Music Service, with Greyfriars being victorious and winning the KS2 House Trophy.


In other competition news, Mr Venn has been running a ‘Daily Dash’ competition, and the class with the most runners participating will be receiving an extra PE lesson from him.  Please do join in with your children, if you can, at 8:30 am!  Please remember that the big corner gate is open at 8:30 am and is only for Daily Dash participants.  Please wait until 8:40 am to enter the school site if your child is not taking part, as there will be no staff supervising until 8:40 am.


New School Website

We hope you are using the new school website, all events, trips, dates and letters are uploaded here and then forwarded onto you, meaning that it is up to date at all times and can be your first port of call for any query.


Please remember to book in your parents evening appointments as these will take place after half term.  The link can be found in the ‘Parents Area’ on the school website.


Upcoming Events

  • Relationships and Health Education Parents Information Evening

When: Wednesday 19th October at 3:45pm to 4:30pm

Where: Owl’s Classroom with Mrs Field

Find out how Relationships and Health Education is taught in school.


  • Diwali Festival Day

When: On Friday 21st October we will be celebrating the festival of Diwali across the school.

During the day, each class will explore the festival of Diwali through taking part in a range of activities and there will also be a special menu that day for lunch.  Please see below:


Diwali Lunch Menu

  • Chicken Tikka Masala
  • Chickpea Masala
  • Poppadoms & Naan bread
  • Pilau rice
  • Peas & sweetcorn
  • Indian Honey Cake
  • Jelly & fruit


We will be moving the usual Friday menu of Fish, chips and pizza to Wednesday instead next week.

The Diwali Festival Day will be a non-uniform day.  As Diwali is a festival of light, we would like the children to come into school dressed in white, yellow (or gold!) to symbolise light.  Please don’t go out to buy anything new – a normal white polo shirt would be fine.  We hope that it will be a wonderful day to end the half-term on.


We are really excited to celebrate this festival with the children, and will share our celebrations and learning with you via ClassDojo and Tapestry.


Yours Sincerely,



Claire Jones

3-18 Education Trust
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