School Choir Young Voices Trip

Dear Parents/Carers,

Coleham Choir Trip

Following the success of Year 4 trip Shropshire Sings in June, we have formed a school choir to take part in the amazing ‘Young Voices’ event on Wednesday 11th Jan 2023.  This is a very exciting concert held at Resorts World, Birmingham where children from many schools come together in the concert venue to sing (please see attached flyer).

As a member of the Coleham Choir after school club your child has been selected to go on this special trip.  The children have already started learning the songs they will be performing on the night. It will be an experience not to be missed!

We expect full commitment from everyone taking part: both in attending the Coleham Choir club leading up to the event for their rehearsals; and in learning the words – both at school and at home (if you have SPOTIFY, search for Young Voices 2023 and you’ll find the playlist).

11th January will be a long day and a late night for the children: they will be leaving around 12.30pm, following an early lunch, and will return to school around 10.30pm/11.00pm.  Parents/Carers will be able to park in the school car park to await the collection of their child.

The cost of the trip is £22.25 including ticket and coach travel, payable via your child’s ParentPay account.

We really hope that you can support us with payment for your child. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips.  We hope everyone will contribute in some way towards the cost.

School will fund a ’Young Voices’  T-shirt pack costing £15 for every child.

Families are also able to purchase tickets for this event if they wish to attend, but please be aware that you will need to make your own way to and from the venue. Adult tickets cost £23 each and must be ordered via the school.  We realise it is a long way to travel in the evening and an expense for families so there is no obligation for families to attend.  If you would like to order any tickets please make payment on Parentpay and we will order these on your behalf. Please note that the tickets will be issued on a first come first served basis so if you are wanting to go we recommend you place your ticket order quickly. Please order by no later than 4th November.

If you are attending the concert, please note that you will not be able to collect your child from the venue: all participating children will travel to and from the venue on the coach with school staff.



Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/Visits and Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information, or if you do not wish your son/daughter to participate in this trip so we can plan accordingly.

Young Voices is a terrific day out and one that the children will never forget.

We will, of course, remind you of all the details closer to the event.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Hilbert

Administration Manager

3-18 Education Trust
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