Parent Governor Voting

Dear Parents/Carers,

Parent Local Governor Election

We wrote to you on 28th October to invite nominations for the vacancy for a parent local Governor. I am delighted to say that there has been a great response and there are four candidates for the vacancy. This means we must now hold an election and would like to ask you to vote for a candidate.

The candidates are:
David Jones
Daniel Konn
Francesco Paradiso
Richard Turner

Each candidate has submitted a supporting statement which you can read prior to voting. You may vote for one candidate. Each parent can only vote once, regardless of the number of pupils you have attending the school.

The supporting statements are attached and link to submit your vote is:

The election will be decided by a simple majority of votes cast. In the event of a tie, the Chair of the Local Governing Body (LGB) and Headteacher will request a Knowledge and Skills Assessment from the tied candidates and recommend appointment by the Trustees based the candidate skills.

You have until Monday 17 October at 10:00am to cast your votes. When the election has been completed, the successful candidate will have to complete certain compliance documentation including a DBS check. We will let you know the outcome as soon as we can, but the process can take up to 4 weeks.

Thank you for taking the time and trouble to support this election.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Geoff Hulme Ms Claire Jones
Chair of LGB Headteacher

Coleham Primary School Local Parent Governor Nominations October 2022
Personal Statements

Nomination 1
David Jones

An enthusiast, motivated and passionate parent with experience in commercial sector and secondary and higher education seeking to help Coleham School achieve ‘outstanding’ quality of education. My name is David Jones father to 2 children who are in years 1 and 3 respectively. I would be delighted to support the school to help the pupils realise the potential of their children and develop well-rounded, sociable, confident and resilient young people. I have a BSc in physiology, a post graduate certificate in education and an MSc in Health economics. I will bring experience as a teacher of secondary and higher science including leadership from a position as director of personalised learning for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics at Bridgnorth Endowed School and experience from the private sector from the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry. I am used to working cross functionally with roles that bring diverse skills to achieve common objectives and am looking forward to learning more about the schools, ambitions and challenges and working together to achieve these goals. I am also used to bringing insights whether this be from quantitative analysis of data or qualitative sources such as advisory panels and turn these insights into actions. Although I have no experience of school governance specifically, I have served on many boards and as a devotee of life long learning would appreciate your consideration for the position of parent local governor.

Nomination 2
Daniel Konn

Coleham Primary School is a great asset to our community. I care passionately about the school helping children not only achieve their best possible academic outcomes, but also in nurturing a zest for life, in a happy and fun environment. My daughter is in year 1 at Coleham, and my son will hopefully start at Coleham in a couple of years.
I am a doctor, and gave a talk at the school career’s week last year. This rewarding experience made me want to become more involved in the school, and I am fortunate enough to have the spare time to do so.
I have skills and experience that I believe would make me an effective Local Parent Governor. I served for 4 years on the national council of my medical speciality, whose aim is to continuously improve the service provided by my speciality in Britain, within the imposed financial constraints. I am also an assessor for the United Kingdom Accreditation Service, which gives accreditation to hospital departments. In this role, I have to develop a thorough understanding of how departments function, so that I can challenge their processes, to ensure that the highest standards are met.
I was also on the Parent Forum of my daughter’s nursery, helping the management team improve standards.
I would be able to pick out the important points from information gathered by governors, and would be willing to ask the difficult questions necessary to help our children flourish at Coleham.
Thank you for considering voting for me.

Nomination 3

Francesco Paradiso

My family and I live in Shrewsbury since 2016 and we love it. My daughter has just started reception at Coleham School, and I am fully committed to ensure that she and her fellow pupils get the best education.
I work as Research and Impact Development Manager at the University of Wolverhampton. I joined the university in 2015. I am responsible for the research development activities in the Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Sciences. I have worked in education most of my life. I hold a PhD in Philosophy from the University of New South Wales (Australia) and I have experience of teaching, project management and evaluation, policy and strategy development, and governance in education providers.
I am standing for the role of parent local governor because, as parent, I want to bring my expertise, viewpoint and perspective to the Local Governing Body to ensure that the school nurtures a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction; governance is delivered effectively and efficiently; and financial performance is sound. I am prepared to challenge executive leaders and hold them to account for their decisions if necessary. I am fully committed to promote a safe and inclusive school environment for pupils, staff and parents and I want to support the school in achieving the status of “Outstanding” at the next Ofsted inspection.
I am confident that my knowledge, skills and expertise will be highly beneficial to the school community. Thank you very much for your support.

Nomination 4
Richard Turner

My name is Richard Turner and I am a massive fan of Coleham Primary School. It has become a big part of our lives with both our children currently attending, in both years 3 and year 6. I have watched how the supporting and caring environment has helped both of my children grow and develop and I would really value the opportunity to be able to contribute to the future of this awesome place.
I have worked in commercial companies now for over 25 years and held roles focused on sales, and marketing and now in strategic leadership. I am fortunate now to find myself working for a company that is active in its support of its people and they actively encourage us to take on roles outside to help contribute to things that are special to us. I am an inquisitive individual who is always seeking to understand how things can be improved and am not afraid to ask difficult or challenging questions. I am comfortable working with people and data, to allow me to help to understand the facts and then make and communicate confident decisions. I passionately believe that collaboration is the key to success, and I have spent many years in leadership teams with a strong focus on working to help people strongly connect and support the goals that have been set and encouraging them to make active contributions. I believe these would be good skills to bring to a role as a Parent Governor and I am confident that I can commit the time required to play an active role. As I said, I am a huge fan of Coleham Primary School and I would welcome the opportunity to help contribute to its future success, so it can continue to build and develop and help more children to get the best possible start in their education, whatever their backgrounds or needs.
I hope you would consider voting for me.

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