Published on: 28th June, 2024

Summer 2024 No. 12: Newsletter


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

What a week!  We certainly picked the right days this week for our Sports Days!  A huge well done to all the children taking part: there were some excellent moments of sporting behaviour and it was wonderful to see the children cheering on their Houses and celebrating the victories of others, too.  Well done also to Miss Lewis who has been busy organising with Mr Halford.  Not only that, but our crack team of Year 6 helpers did a fantastic job of running it all so smoothly.  Finally, congratulations to Severn and Darwin who, out of the 3 events, had a victory each and a shared victory!

More sport is coming next week – it’s Olympics Week!  Lots of exciting activities and special guests to come…

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Tom Larkham


Next week is OLYMPICS WEEK

We have had to change the days around for Olympics Week (due to events outside of our control)  So Festival Day is now on Thursday with a parents showcase song at 2.45pm at the Lower KS2 Playground.  Please come and join us!

To make life easy the children can wear PE kits ALL WEEK!  (any shorts and t-shirts are fine if you can’t find enough PE kits)

Thursday is also a picnic lunch day in school (instead of a hot meal) with an outdoor dining room.


Our friends at Bowbrook are having a festival afternoon if you are looking for a family friendly event for the weekend.

Garden Bar

Next Friday is our Garden Bar, a one off event to enjoy drinks in a gorgeous setting by our folly.  Open to the Parents, Grandparents and our local community.

Admission is £5 with bars from Paso-Primero wines and The Old Market Hall’s Gindifferent.

Quiz Night coming soon

If you would like to book in your team please email

Year 6 Reminders

Coming soon…

Friday 12th July– Leavers Assembly @ 1.30pm

Monday 15th July– Yr 6 Airhop Party

Please make payment of £17.40 on Arbor for the Yr 6 Leavers Party.

Coleham Sweatshirts– We would be really grateful for donations of Coleham School Sweatshirts if you have no siblings to pass them down to. The children can pass these onto Miss Dovey or Mrs Lord.

Mrs Dixon’s 40th Anniversary

Congratulations to our longest serving staff member Mrs Dixon who has marked her 40th work anniversary at Coleham! What an impressive achievement! Mrs Dixon has helped thousands of children at lunchtimes over the years and has worked approximately 7,800 school lunchtimes! Mrs Dixon is a valuable member of our school community, thank you to Mrs Dixon, for her commitment and care to the many, many children she has helped over the years. Some of these children are now bringing their children and grandchildren to school.

New Gallery Exhibition

The Townsend Art Gallery has a new exhibition! Featuring Year 3’s art created for the Belle Vue Arts Festival along the theme of ‘Treasure’.  These gorgeous Egyptian Pharaoh Portraits, don’t they look stunning?  Well done Turtles and Starfish!

EYFS Trip to Gelatistry

This week the children in Reception have been learning about data handling. What better way to learn about this than exploring the most popular flavour of ice cream before going to try some at our local gelato shop, Gelatistry!
The children loved ordering their gelato and identifying which was the most popular (it was chocolate brownie!).


EYFS, Yr 1/2 Sports Day

Great work from our youngest children at their Sports Day.   A lovely atmosphere and lots of fun.  Our Yr 6 House Captains totted the scores up with Severn being the overall champions!


Year 3/4 Sports Day

Year 3/4 Sports Day was a FANTASTIC EVENT! We had the perfect weather, great House Spirit and most importantly everybody enjoyed it!  Thank you to our families for your support.

This year’s winning place was tied between Severn and Darwin with 196 points.  Quarry came 2nd with 206 points and Greyfriars third with 233 points.

Well done to Miss Lewis and Mr Halford for all their hard work.

Year 5/6 Sports Day

Thank you to everyone for coming along to our Year 5/6 Sports Day! The last Sports Day for our Year 6 Leavers.  Lots of House spirit in the Coleham Athletics arena.  The House water race was a great chance to cool off! Darwin stormed ahead of the leader board to scoop the House Cup.  Well done to all the parents who braved the parent race.

🌹Year 4 Tudor Day video


Music Showcase Concert

Well done to all our Musicians in school who learn an instrument. These children performed to an audience to showcase all they have learnt this year! We love to see children learning instruments, the power of music in incredibly enriching and is a great skill to take forward into adulthood.

EYFS – Pond Dipping

The children in Reception have loved learning about living things and their habitats whilst at Woodland Work. What better way to explore than a spot of pond dipping in our school pond.

Year 1 Trip to The Quarry

Last week the whole of year 1 went into The Quarry and the dingle. Here the children spotted deciduous and evergreen trees which they have learnt about in science. The children also did some super sketching whilst out and about.

Road Safety Competition

Lots of our children entered a competition with Shropshire Council Sustainable travel team to create a superhero mascot for their road safety promotional campaign.  They received entries from 22 schools!  Bobby was one of the winners!  Pablo the Puffin will be turned into an animated character as part of the new ‘Our Journey’ programme. Fantastic news for Bobby who loves to spend his time drawing.

Sophia, Flora, Ella, Pip and Gene were awarded runners up certificates.

Well done everybody! Coleham Creativity shining through!

Historic Open Gardens

On Sunday we held a Historic Open Gardens event part of the Belle Vue Arts Festival.  It was an absolute privilege to show the community our unique and special grounds, many of whom had no idea that we have a listed Coach House, Victorian Museum, Folly, Pond and Conservation area.  We have such a unique and fascinating site that lies hidden behind Greyfriars Road and is part of Shrewsbury’s local history.

Miss Othen’s History Club have been trawling through our school archives for weeks in preparation and gave our guests personal tours and a wealth of information about the stone Folly that originates from St Mary’s Church, Shrewsbury and the Limes Estate.  Well done to our pupil History Guides Toby, Finlay, Alice, Mae, Perdy, Lauren and Martha! You were all so impressive in communicating with the public.  Big thanks to local archaeologists Matt who is currently filming for Time Team and Janine for being on hand with an assortment of local finds from The National Trust including a 5000 year old Neolithic axe head.  What a fascinating afternoon of local history.

Shropshire Star Article

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