Year 6 Pioneer Trip – Final Reminders

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The SATs are now over and we just wanted to let you know that the children have worked incredibly hard to do their absolute best in each of the tests completed. We are very proud of the resilience and effort shown by everyone throughout the week.

As you know, the first week back after half term, we head to Pioneer for our two-night residential; everybody is excited and it feels perfectly timed after SATs.

Here is some final information so that you and your child can feel prepared on the morning of Monday 3rd June:


Please use the kit list to help with packing. Do aim to let your child be as involved as possible in this process; it is important for your child to know what is in their bag as this will allow them to be as independent as possible during the stay.

Don’t forget to pack a water bottle and reading book – these may be useful to have in a smaller bag which can be kept with your child on the bus.

Remember not to pack mobile phones, electronic devices and extra snacks or sweets.


It is vital that we have the correct information about any medication that your child will require while we are away. With this in mind, we would like any medication to be given to an adult (Mrs Morgan, Mr Edwards or Mrs Jeff) on Monday morning. Please put any medication in a container with your child’s name written clearly on the front along with clear instructions and dosage.

If your child has any specific allergies please make sure we know about them.

If your child requires travel sickness tablets, please give them their tablet at home or send it into school for us to give before we head off. Remember to also include another tablet for the return journey so we can make sure they take it before we set off on Wednesday.

Other bits to remember

You will need to send your child to school with a packed lunch on Monday 3rd as our evening meal will be the first meal provided by Pioneer.

Please encourage your child to practise putting on a duvet cover and pillow case as that will be the first challenge set when we arrive.

The coach will leave school at approximately 10:15am on Monday morning.

We will return at approximately 3:30pm on Wednesday afternoon.

As ever, thank you for your ongoing support in preparing your child for the trip.

Best wishes,

Mrs Morgan, Mr Edwards and the year 6 team 😊

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