Published on: 10th May, 2024

Summer 2024 No. 5: Newsletter


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

We’ve all enjoyed the warm weather this week and the children have been enjoying the field with great gusto this week.  It’s always nice to be fully in to the summer term!

Next week is an important week for our Year 6s as they take on their SATs.  They are all completely ready and have worked really hard over the last few weeks to be as confident as possible.  It’s a great opportunity for the children to do their best, shine and take it all in their stride!

To the Year 6 children: make sure you all get good sleep, have a good breakfast and keep confident.  Mr Edwards, Mrs Morgan and I know what you can do – we believe in you.  Good luck!

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

Tom Larkham


Whats happening next week?

Mon- Thur mornings-Year 6 SATS

Monday 13th MayYear 4 Trip to Enginuity

Tuesday 14th May-Yr 6 Giraffes Swimming

Thursday 16th MayYr 4 Tudor Trip

Thursday 16th MayYr 6 Parent Information Session about Purple Leaf Programme

Friday 17th May-Non-Uniform Day

Saturday 18th MayCommunity Plant & Craft Fair

Year 4 parents, please remember to make payments for trips prior to the visit taking place.  Thank you.

Australian Day Menu

Sports Days Confirmed

Our Sports Day are now confirmed and on the Website Calendar.

Mon 24th June- Years 3 & 4

Wed 26th June – Years 5 & 6

Thurs 27th June – EYFS & Yrs 1 & 2

They will all start at 1.30pm with normal home time arrangements.


Next Friday is NON-UNIFORM DAY

To get ready for our Plant & Craft Fair Friday 17th May will be a non-uniform day!

To help make our Fair a success and in-exchange for non-uniform we would be SUPER grateful for any of the following voluntary donations:

-Plants or produce (house or garden plants) (vegetables or preserves)

-Cakes (home made would be FANTASTIC and shop bought too)

-Cuddly toys or tombola gifts (you may already have some items at home to donate)

-Old jewellery for one of our treasure stalls

-A monetary donation towards the Fair’s fundraising

Donations can be brought to the front of school on Friday morning or throughout the day.  Thank you!

Plant & Craft Fair Competitions Update

Our Children’s Competitions for the Plant & Craft Fair are below.

This year the Belle Vue Arts Festival theme is ‘Treasure’ and so all competition entries are linked to this theme. We hope to see more entries than ever before displayed at our Plant & Craft Fair and judged by the BVAF.

Treasures of the sea, treasures of the land, prehistoric treasures, Egyptian treasures, treasured memories, so many ways to be creative…

All entries should be brought to the fair by 10.30am (or on Friday if you cannot attend the fair) and entry costs £1.00 per exhibit.  Please label your entry with your name and age/class and collect it at the end of the fair you are attending.

Poetry– The winner will be invited to read this aloud at the Festival’s ‘Spoken Word’ evening event.

Box of Treasures-any box, any treasures, be artistic and creative in displaying your goods for us all to admire.

Treasure Island-in any form, painting, college, sewing, junk model, mini garden, Lego, vegetable model etc

Scavenger Hunt-collect a sheet from your Teacher and stick on items from home.

Bake-off-any style cake or cakes (not judged on taste)

Have FUN, we can’t wait to see all your AMAZING entries!


Urgent Help wanted!

We desperately need lovely people to help us out for an hour at our Plant & Craft Fair!  It’s easy and fun to man a stall for an hour, chat to families and generally have a good time.  The children love helping too!  Many hands make light work, if you have not helped before then give it a try!

Anyone can help, families, grandparents, neighbours, older children….

Please sign up on the link below or on the clip board in the reception area and simply turn up on the day

Volunteer Sign Up


Music Club Special Sessions

Want to have a go at Morris Dancing? Jump & Jive Music Club welcomes Shrewsbury Morris to teach us a dance for our May 20th concert.

6 extra places now available on to join these 2 sessions:

Monday May May 20th. 


The Cabin. £5. All ages welcome. Hankies and bells provided! No experience needed. Text Mrs Wade for further details and to book in. Mob: 07910 314269.

Lily the Orangutan Hero!

After learning about the plight of Orangutans in class, Lily in Year 2 decided to get busy raising money to help.  Over the Bank Holiday, Lily decided to hold a book sale to raise as much money as possible.

She raised £50 selling books, and raised even more money online – now she has raised over £200 all on her own!  Well done, Lily!

What a great achievement and what a wonderful thing to do: the world needs more heroes like Lily to help protect it.

Out in the Community

Our Year 2 & 3 School Councillors did a great job at approaching the Coleham Businesses to display our posters. Less than 2 weeks to go until our Plant & Craft Fair!

Sol in the Galapagos

So proud of Artist Sol for winning the incredible DarwinDoodle competition and flying out to meet the Darwin200 expedition on their global adventure.  Darwin200 set sail on a historic tallship around the world following Charles Darwin’s voyage aboard HIMS Beagle two centuries ago.  The ship which is a floating laboratory aims to advance global conservation.

Sol is on board as we write this.  Darwin200 arranged for Sol to bring his winning artwork to life as a vibrant mural on the picturesque island of San Cristobal.

It is so inspiring for our pupils to realise that their talents, hobbies and passions are part of who they are, can bring them incredible opportunities and guide their path in life. #ambition

Multi-skills Fun day

A group of year 2 children went to Meole Brace Secondary school for a day of multi skills fun from wellie wanging to penalty shootouts. The children did amazing, showed our Coleham values and cheered on each other louder than anyone else. They were even louder laughing when Mr Halford tried to be a goalkeeper and ended up rolling over backwards. Well done to everyone that was involved!

Year 6 Pop Art

Here is a selection of some fabulous year 6 artwork completed in a Pop Art style. The picture is a copy of an Andy Warhol which the children enlarged using the grid method.  What amazing artists we have in year 6!


Yr 4 cooks Tudor Pottage

Year 4 have been hard at work in their DT lessons; researching ingredients available in Tudor times, designing and improving an authentic recipe for Tudor pottage, preparing and chopping the herbs and vegetables, and finally adding spices, ready to simmer the stew and enjoy. Afterwards, they rated their dish on taste, texture, appearance and aroma. They had very mixed opinions!