Headteacher Letter re Ofsted Inspection Outcome

Dear Parents/Carers,


I am delighted to be able to share with you all the outcome and final report from our most recent inspection, conducted in March.  This inspection was a full, graded inspection, as apposed to the 2021 inspection which was not graded.  This was the first graded inspection since 2013.

Ofsted have graded Coleham School OUTSTANDING in all areas: the best possible grading for a school.

Ofsted look at 5 areas when inspecting a school:

  • Quality of Education
  • Behaviour & Attitudes
  • Personal Development
  • Leadership & Management
  • EYFS

To be graded outstanding in all these areas is a huge achievement for all the staff and the children, past and present, who have worked hard every day over the last decade to make Coleham School the special place it is.  As a school, we have not put things in place or done anything special for the sake of Ofsted, neither before the inspection nor during it, and it is important that we are recognised for doing what is in the best interests of our community.

Thank you to everyone who completed the parent survey and spoke to the inspectors: they have certainly seen Coleham for what it is!  We will now continue our journey, making sure that Coleham remains a great school at the heart of the community for many more years to come.  Please enjoy reading the report: we will be releasing the report to our wider community on our website tomorrow, alongside a special, short celebratory video in true Coleham style! The report will also be available on Ofsted’s website in a week or so.

Thank you, from all of us, for your ongoing support.

Yours sincerely

Tom Larkham


3-18 Education Trust
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