Published on: 22nd February, 2024

Spring 2024 No. 7 Newsletter


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to Spring 2 after a hopefully relaxing and productive half-term break.

We’ve got straight back into things here at school and it great to see all the smiling faces and hard work going on in the classrooms.  Hopefully you have all managed speak to your children’s teachers at our Parents’ and Carers’ evenings this week, but if you haven’t been able to, please get in touch and we can arrange something.

We’ve launched our Kindness Drive this week and have already handed out 14 ‘Kindness Ambassador’ badges and certificates at HT Teatime today.  The children at HT Teatime were those that have been awarded the most Kindness Dojos this week in each class – well done for being an inspiration!  Also, the children (and staff) have been nominating people all week who have been demonstrating kindness.  I’ve had a wonderful time reading all the reasons people have noticed kindness and will be handing out more badges on Monday.

Have a lovely weekend!

Tom Larkham


Shropshire Schools Marathon

If your child is taking part in the half marathon- it starts on Monday! Your child is welcome to bring their trainers in a separate bag if they wish to run in them.

A reminder that children in Year 1 and 2 will run on a Monday and Thursday playtime, Year 3 and 4 will be on a Tuesday and Friday playtime and Year 5 and 6 will be on a Wednesday.

WBD Coming soon

World Book Day will be with us in a couple of week time.  We will have a whole week of

exciting activities including an after school fair on Monday 4th March @3.30pm.

World Book Day

Eat them to Defeat them!

We are taking part in BBC national campaign ‘Eat them to Defeat them’ to boost ‘veg power’ in pupil’s diets.

Your child will come home with a campaign sticker pack and reward chart so you can encourage your child to try new vegetables at home and we’ll be promoting different vegetables over the next few weeks at lunchtimes to try on our tasting table. Thank you to our Catering Team Academy for arranging this.  Check out website for more info, healthy eating tips and prizes to win.

First up Peas!

We are Recruiting!

We are recruiting for two Early Years Teaching Assistants.

Can you help us spread the word by sharing on social media and telling friends and family.  Perhaps you know somebody who would be perfect for the role?

To find out more see our website Job Vacancies

We have a school tour on Thursday 29th February @4.30pm

Kindness Ambassadors

Our Kindness drive started this week: we introduce to you our first Kindness Ambassadors!  Well done for setting such a brilliant example to everyone!

These kind children were our guests for HT Teatime this week for being the children in each class with the most Kindness Dojos being awarded – well done!

All week, the children (and staff) have been nominating children in our Kindness postbox who have demonstrated kindness – they will be announced in Monday’s assembly!


Netball Runner-ups!

We are immensely proud of this group of children for their participation in a netball tournament, where they competed in several matches over the past few months. Initially, during our first match, the children were unfamiliar with positions and had little experience playing together. However, as the weeks progressed, we witnessed remarkable growth. They displayed exceptional teamwork, demonstrated excellent attacking and defensive skills, and scored impressive goals. Among six schools, we achieved a commendable 2nd place overall. Congratulations on your outstanding efforts!

E-Safety Champions

Our Year 6 School Councillors have helped create this E-Safety display for Parent’s Evening.  We hope you have seen some of the handy guides available and taken some home.


Judaism Visitor

The lovely Sue, a member of Shropshire Inter-faith group visited Year 1 to talk about being Jewish.  The children learnt that inside a synagogue, men wear a special hat called a kippah and a prayer shawl called a tallit where the tassels represent all the different rules in the Torah. Sue even spoke some Hebrew!

Dolphins Trip to the Reabrook

Despite the rain putting a dampener on our plans, our visit to the Reabrook was nothing short of an adventure! While the weather may have altered our course, we made the most of our time by embarking on a picturesque walk along the length of the brook. Along the way, we engaged in captivating discussions about the Reabrook’s history, turning our journey into an educational experience filled with fascinating river facts. Despite the downpour, the children’s spirits remained undaunted, relishing every moment spent in the great outdoors.

Portrait Exhibition

Year 3 are showcasing their Art in our latest gallery exhibition.  These portraits are based on their artist study work of Frida Kahlo!  Love the contrast of pencil sketching against vibrant, colourful patterns #Mexico inspired.