Year 6 Residential Trip – 3rd to 5th June 2024

We are very excited to announce that we have organised a residential trip for our Year 6 pupils for June 2024 at The Pioneer Centre, Cleobury Mortimer.  Children will leave school on the morning of Monday 3rd June (the first day after the May half term break) and return in time for normal end of day collection time on Wednesday 5th June.

We are great advocates of the benefits a residential trip can give to those pupils who attend. These include:

  • team building skills, co-operation and respect (through a series of safe but challenging activities);
  • developing greater independence;
  • learning new skills and taking part in new and enriching experiences;
  • discovering more about themselves and their capabilities and becoming more motivated as individuals; and
  • (last but not least) having fun!

The Pioneer Centre is a relatively new purpose-built activity venue, with excellent modern facilities, designed to meet the diverse needs of both staff and children alike, and we have stayed there on a number of occasions now. Each occasion has been very successful and, as such, we plan to take our Year 6 pupils there again in the Summer term.

The centre provides a “home from home” atmosphere and offers a wide range of exciting activities, with experienced and qualified staff on hand at all times. To find out more about the Centre’s facilities and to see a plan of the site, please visit their website at

The cost of the excursion is £230.00 per child, including transport, food, accommodation, supervised activities and equipment. We recognise that this is a large sum of money so have broken it down into four instalments of £57.50. We would be grateful if you could pay the first instalment by 29th February, sooner if possible, and the remainder of the trip balance by Monday 20th May. Of course, if you wish to pay this sooner that would also be appreciated.

If you are worried about making full payment by the given deadline, please do come and talk to me or contact the office: we can extend the payment schedule to give you more time to cover the cost.

If your child is worried about any aspect of the residential trip, please do not worry as class teachers have plenty of time to prepare the children.

An information evening for parents and Year 6 pupils will take place nearer to the trip to go over the finer details and address any outstanding queries you or your child may have.

This trip will be an amazing, once in a life-time, experience for our pupils and we hope very much that all our Year 6 pupils will attend. If, however, your child WILL NOT be attending the trip, please do let the class teacher know as soon as possible.


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