International Day

Dear Parents/Carers,

On Tuesday 16th January we will be hosting our International Day and celebrating different countries and cultures around the world and diversity within our school community.

What will the day involve?

NON UNIFORM – It will be a non-uniform day. Your child is invited to come dressed in non uniform in the colours of any flag or cultural dress of their choice.  We do not expect you to buy a costume, you could wear a flag or get creative using face paints, decorate a plain t-shirt with felt tips or wear an international sports kit.

SINGING ASSEMBLY-During our singing assemblies on Tuesday (KS1) and Wednesday (KS2) Mrs Porrett will be singing International songs with the children.

CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES – In the afternoon classes will be choosing a country to learn about.  Your child might listen to music, speak the language, do some map work, learn some history or look at the day in the life of a child from that country.

LUNCHTIME-We will have a special theme menu on this day

KS2 GERMAN LESSONS – I will be turning into Bavarian Brigitte this week so instead of teaching French, I will be giving Years 3 to 6 a German taster session!

PARENT GUESTS – We would love to host parent visitors in the classroom so you and your child can share your experiences from a different culture, country or travels.  You might like to bring some photos, traditional clothes or objects to talk about.  Please chat to your child’s teacher at the end of the day or contact Mrs Jasper in the school office to arrange a visit.


INTERNATIONAL FOOD MARKET- We invite children to bring food from another country into school to share at our after school event. (Children can bring this into class in the morning or parents can bring to the event-please note we will be unable to refrigerate goods) We will set up tasting tables with each year group’s contributions and we invite you and your children to pop into the school hall after school once you have collected your children to sample some tasters.  Please enter from the OUTSIDE HALL DOORS at the back of school.

Some guidance for the food event:

So we can easily display the food for the event we have allocated each Year Group the following countries:








-We have allocated countries to keep things simple for purchasing/displaying food, of course if there is a cultural dish closer to your heart then your child is very welcome to bring that in.

-Homemade and shop bought foods are welcome.  We would be grateful if you can cut up your offering into small pieces for tasters and wrap up on a paper plate.  Please label any special containers with your child’s name and class that you would like returned.

-At the event, please remember food is kindly donated by families so we are not able to confirm ingredients or allergens.  As it is an after school event, parents/carers are responsible for their children and what they are eating.  (If Year 6 children usually walk home alone then they are able to go to the hall without parents)

-Teachers will display the food, on year group tables and be on hand to help you with tasters.

We look forward to your support and hope this will be a fun and enriching day for all involved.

Yours sincerely,

Chloë Jones

Foreign Languages Coordinator

3-18 Education Trust
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