Published on: 5th January, 2024

Spring 2024 No. 1: Newsletter


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

Welcome back to school and a Happy New 2024 to everyone!  It feels like an age since we were singing Christmas songs, but now we are back to it and all struggling to remember to write the date correctly!

I wanted to say  THANK YOU on behalf of all the staff who received small thank you gifts and messages from parents before the holiday – it’s never expected but always very much appreciated.

With only 3 days in, it’s only been a short week, but it’s been wonderful to see so many smiling faces back in school.  Here’s to a a new year and an exciting term ahead!

Best wishes,

Tom Larkham


Wanted Clothes Donations!

We have an exciting new Coleham event coming soon!

Year 5 will be producing an Eco Fashion Show in the evening of Thursday 8th February and you will be hearing lots about this in the coming weeks.

Can you help? We are in desperate need of pre-loved clothes, shoes & accessories (adults & childrens) plus any ‘rubbish’ materials to create costumes (plastic bags, bubble wrap, paper plates, crisp packets etc) 

Please drop any donations into the School Foyer.

We will be really grateful for any items received.


Book in your Quiz Team

Our Community Quiz is happening once again, its always lots of fun!!

Friday 26th January @7:30pm

Teams of 6 at £5 per person, cash on the night please.

Bring your own drinks and nibbles.

Book in your team with the school office or let a member of the office team know.


Everybody is welcome from the community

Parents, Staff, Governors, Grandparents, Friends & Neighbours, the more the merrier!

Save the Date: International Day

International Day takes place on Tuesday 16th January.

This will be a Non-Uniform Day and the children will be able to wear cultural dress or sports clothes from any country or clothes the colour of any flag.  There is no need to go to any expense, drawing a flag onto an old t-shirt is an easy idea.

We would love to host parent visitors in the classroom so you and your child can share your experiences from a different culture, country or travels.  You might like to bring some photos, traditional clothes or objects to talk about.  Please chat to your child’s teacher at the end of the day or contact Mrs Jasper in the school office to arrange a visit.

We have lots of fun planned and a letter about this will come out next week.

Save the Date! Class Assemblies

Our Class Assemblies are scheduled for 2024.  Children will have the opportunity to show their families what they have been learning about in class.

Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 Class Assemblies all take place this half term.

Yr 1 Hedgehogs & Mrs Young – Tue 23rd Jan

Yr 1 Squirrels & Miss Cox -Wed 24th Jan

Yr 2 Owls & Mrs Field- Tues 30th Jan

Yr 2 Rabbits & Mrs Allan – Wed 31st Jan

Yr 3 Turtles & Mrs Munns – Tue 6th Feb

Yr 3 Starfish & Miss Heap- Wed 7th Feb

Assemblies all start at 9:15am in the School Hall.

Shropshire Half Marathon


Shropshire Half Marathon Letter

You can sign up and pay for this via Arbor until Friday 2nd February.

E-Safety Newsletter

This months Parent E-Safety newsletter.

Online Safety Newsletter Primary January 2024

Keeping you up to date with parental controls for mobiles and devices in your home.

St Alkmunds Concert

Well done to Jolene, Mae, Lucy, Oliver, Seren, Emilia, Eli, Olivia, Jake, Shylah, Nel and Grace! Our Coleham Voices choir joined the Phoenix Singers at a special Christmas concert at St Alkmumd’s Church this evening and blew EVERYONE’S socks off. They’ve really done us proud and showed what Coleham is all about. Huge thanks to Mrs Porrett for organising everything – a perfect end to the term.

Yr 3 Stoneage Jewellery

For Design and Technology, Year 3 have made Stoneage Jewellery out of natural materials (clay and leather). They are proudly displayed in our Art Gallery.