EYFS Nursery Rhyme Week

Dear Parents and Carers,

13th – 17th November 2023

World Nursery Rhyme Week is fast approaching, and we are delighted to confirm that children in Reception will be taking part. The initiative, launched in 2013, promotes the importance of nursery rhymes in early childhood development with a particular focus on how nursery rhymes boost early language and literacy skills.

We have a number of activities planned throughout the week to celebrate various Nursery Rhymes. Please see below:

  • Monday (Old Macdonald had a farm) – Visit from a Mobile Farm
  • Tuesday – (The Grand Old Duke of York) – Visit from The Grand Old Duke of York
  • Wednesday – (Pat a cake, Pat a cake) – Cake Making Workshop
  • Thursday – (Dingle Dangle Scarecrow) – Scarecrow Making Workshop
  • Friday – (The Wheels on the Bus) – Vintage Bus Ride around town
  • Friday – Dress up Day

In order to cover the cost of these events, we kindly ask that parents contribute the amount of £10.50 per child. Payment is to be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to Nursery Rhyme Week (13th -17th November).

In addition to these events we will also be holding a Rhyme Time in the school hall led by Mrs Porrett, for children and their parents/carers. These will take place on the following dates:

  • Badgers Class – Tuesday 14th November at 2:30pm
  • Foxes Class – Wednesday 15th November at 2:30pm

We would love as many of you as possible to come along, but appreciate that some of you may be working. In these circumstances please do invite an alternative carer such as a grandparent, family member or whoever would normally collect your child on that day.

Finally, on Friday 17th November we would like to end the week by inviting children to come to school dressed as their favourite Nursery Rhyme Character. Please do not feel the need to purchase costumes and go to lots of expense. I’m sure lots of you already have a variety of dressing up clothes that can be adapted. You may even choose to make something simple. Please see below for some examples:

  • Little Bo Peep – Simple dress with a sheep toy
  • Jack and Jill – Everyday clothes with an empty bucket
  • Old Macdonald – Dungarees and Checked Shirt or animal costumes
  • Little Miss Muffet – Dress with a spider
  • It’s raining it’s pouring – Child in wellies
  • Hickory Dickory Dock – Mouse Ears


We can’t wait to celebrate a wonderful week of rhyming with your children. Please do speak to your child’s class teacher if you have any questions.


Yours sincerely,

Miss Harris

Assistant Head

EYFS Leader




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