Published on: 20th October, 2023

Autumn No. 8: Newsletter


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

This week has been full of trips and visitors!  A huge thank you goes to all our brilliant careers visitors this week.  All the children have been involved in our careers week, learning about the varied and interesting work members of our community do (or used to do!).

The experience provided to our children is invaluable and will hopefully inspire everyone.  I very much enjoyed taking the time to speak to Year 2 about zookeeping and answered some very interesting questions about giraffes and various animals’ favourite foods.

EYFS have been busy this week with their Enterprise week.  They have been designing, creating, marketing and will be selling their very own chocolate apples!  The other children in the school have been to the hall this morning to buy their goods – a bargain at £1 per apple!  Well done EYFS – I will eat mine as an after-school treat.

Please remember to book your Parents’ Evening 10 min meetings which will be on Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th November (the first week back after half term).

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

What’s happening next week?

Wednesday- Year 6 Trip to Liverpool , War Tunnels

Thursday – Year 4 Ancient Rome Day

Thursday- EYFS Pumpkin Party


Coming up soon

Friday 10th November- Diwali Workshop for EYFS, Yr 2 and Yr 5


Please make payment for trips and visits before they take place.  Thank you.

Parents Evening Appointments

Parents Evenings will take place on the first week back after half term.

Don’t forget to book your slot online at the web page below


This half term we have had a House Competition for the children to design main courses and deserts.  Well done to the children below whose recipes were chosen.

NEXT WEEK the children will be taking over the Menu and our Chef Manager will be cooking their recipes instead of the normal menu.

House points will be awarded 100pts, 75pts, 50pts and 25pts for the most popular day’s menu based on dinner numbers, waste and pupil opinion 🙂

The salad cart, vegetables, fruit and yoghurt will be available each day.

Giraffes Choral Day

Giraffes 🦒 Class took part in a Choral Day at Shrewsbury High School with other local schools. They spent the day learning songs with a live band and performed a showcase to parents at the end of the day! It was really uplifting to watch.  Thank you SHS!

Yr 4 Roman Chester Trip

We had a brilliant time in the city of Deva learning all about life as a Roman!

We became legionnaires of Chester under the strict command of Lupis, the Roman centurion. We marched through the city to the Roman gardens and practised drills including stabbing with our (foam) gladiuses and making a tortoise formation with our scutums! 🛡️

We also travelled back in time on a ship from Roma to Deva, rowing in time to a drum. When we landed, we explored the interesting food at the market (dormice, milk-fattened slugs and flamingo tongues!). We also visited the bathhouse where we learned that Romans cleaned with oil and strigils and we know all about what the sponges on sticks were used for! 😳 We watched a virtual fight between a murmillo and a gladiator with an unfortunate end. Then we just had time to visit the real life amphitheatre and see its ruins. 🎭

Watch us descend on Deva below:


Hatching Chicks

Charlotte in Year 6 kindly brought eggs and incubating equipment into school so her class could watch chicks hatch and look after them for the week.  Very egg-citing!


Italian Lunch

We enjoyed some Italian pavement cafe music with our lunch.

Friendly Tag Rugby Match

Well done to all the children who participated in today’s friendly tag rugby match on the school field against Greenfields. It’s great to have the opportunity to welcome other schools to us and organise matches where our children can proudly represent Coleham while working together as a team.

Every child exhibited brilliant teamwork and put their acquired skills from PE into action. Keep up the good work!

A very wet Football Competition!

Wow, the weather couldn’t have chosen a worse time! A massive congratulations to all the children who participated in tonight’s football competition. For many of you, it was your first time representing Coleham, and I was incredibly proud of each and every one of you. You played brilliantly as a team, showcasing excellent football skills, and you persevered through the rain, refusing to let the wet and cold deter you from giving your best.

An extra special shout-out to the Year 3’s who made it to the semi-finals and ended up in 4th place overall out of 11 teams.

Best workplace ever!

For Careers week Elephants visited award winning workplace Moneypenny in Wrexham. Moneypenny is a high tech call centre looking after and supporting other people’s businesses and we were lucky enough to visit their £15 million headquarters designed by the staff itself.  Moneypenny is a really special employer as it’s their mission to look after their staff and have a happy workplace! The children were wowed by the interior and the treehouse meeting room, we toured various departments, asked lots of questions and even had lunch in the staff pub The Dog and the Bone! Hannah explained that healthy and happy staff is their priority so every office looks onto the outside, the staff can hire bikes and paddle boards and they have their own gym and GP!  Our key takeaway message was the right attitude can be the key to success!

EYFS Enterprise Event

Our Careers Education is an important part of what we do at Coleham and so this year we are extending it to ‘enterprise events’ so the children can think about the different skills required to run a business including teamwork, leadership, advertising, sales, accounting etc

A massive well done to Badgers and Foxes for running our first enterprise event!  Staff and children made chocolate apples as Autumn treats and packaged them to sell.  The children set up shop and sold these to the older children for £1 each.   Thank you to Asda, Shrewsbury and Guy Groves Orchard for donating the apples for our fundraising. Amazing teamwork and financial management and over £250 profit raised. Well done!



Careers Footballer vs Teacher

Giraffes Class were super inspired by their motivational talk from ex Shrewsbury Town Footballer Sam Aiston.  Headteacher Sam showcased how you need the same skills to be both a Footballer and a Teacher but impressed on the children how Resilence is the key to success! The children talked about Financial Management and even gave Sam some tips for his Podcast business! Thanks to Sam for such an entertaining talk. Lots of key messages for the children #resilience # positivity    # listening #ambition #teamwork #problemsolving

Careers in Construction

Construction company Bowmer & Kirkland visited Dolphins today for some STEM activities designed to inspire future careers.  Bowmer & Kirkland have recently completed the brand new school building for Bowbrook Primary School.  Kasia and Alastair told the children about their roles as Social Values Manager and Senior Design Manager.  Thank you Bowmer & Kirkland for visiting and kicking off Careers week!

Yr 1 talk Careers

For Careers week Year 1 had two visitors come to talk to them Children’s book Author Katie May Green and Charlie the Vet. What a brilliant experience, the children really enjoyed learning about these jobs.

Puppy Friends

For Careers Week EYFS Children had a visit from a Dog Trainer and learnt all about the role.  They also learnt about Dog Safety e.g. how to approach dogs, asking permission to stroke etc.

Careers Talks in Year 3

Year 3 have had lots of chat about what we want to be when we grow up this week as we had visits from two Coleham parents to tell us about their careers. On Thursday, Mrs Renshaw told us about life as a restorer, guilder and decorative artist. We loved handling some of her beautifully crafted work including dolls house furniture she made as a child!
This morning, Mr Slogrove spoke to us about being an engineer for Wales Air Ambulance. We were fascinated to learn how helicopters stay in the air and how they take off and land safely. The children engaged really well with both talks and asked lots of interesting questions.