Relationships & Health Education

Dear Parents/Carers,

Relationship and Health Education (RHE)

It is compulsory for all schools to teach Relationships Education and Health Education. The purpose of these subjects is to support all young people to be happy, healthy and safe – to equip them for adult life and to help support children to make positive contributions to society.

As part of this, all schools are required to consult with parents/carers when developing and reviewing their policies for Relationship and Health Education, which will inform decision on when and how certain content is covered.

Effective engagement gives the space and time for parent/carers to input, ask questions, share concerns and for the school to decide the way forward. We will listen to your views, and then make a reasonable decision on how best to proceed. When and how content is taught is ultimately a decision for the school, and consultation does not provide a parental veto on curriculum content.

Relationships & Health Parent Information/Consultation Evening

When: Tuesday 19th September

Where: Owls Classroom-please sign in at Reception

Time: 3:30pm -4:15pm

You can find further details about the introduction of compulsory Relationships and Health Education, as well as answers to many other frequently asked questions, on the Government website.

Our current policy

You can read our current Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) policy by clicking on the link below.

Relationships and Sex Education Policy: Primary phase

Completing the survey

You can complete the survey by clicking on the link below.

Please note the survey is available to complete at any point, with no end date – responses will be reviewed periodically, and considered when the policy is reviewed each year.

Thank you very much for your time and helping support the school.

Mrs Field

PSHE  Co-ordinator (Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education)

3-18 Education Trust
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